Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1 month goes to quickly.

Today was Masons 1 month check up! I cant believe it has been a month! Well, he is 8 lbs and 15 oz! A porker, I tell you! He is 20.5 inches long. He didn't get any shots today because we are 2 days early. He needs two ultrasounds. One for a small hole in the dimple of his bum. The doctor needs to make sure it is closed all the way through. There is a name for this hole but I forget what he called it. Its prenatal--something. Also I guess (today is the first time Ive heard anything about it) his kidneys seemed folded after he was born (or something), so he wants an ultrasound to make sure they aren't fold anymore (I guess). I'm not sure. I feel awful now for not asking more questions about it. I never even heard anything about his kidneys being folded. But he goes for those two ultrasounds in a couple weeks. I hope my baby is alright.

He is now up to 4-6 oz every 4-5 hours. He slept for 6 hours last night. It was great! I was so refreshed this morning when I woke up. I was able to get out of bed to so easily when he woke up for a feeding.

Today we also went to the Aquarium! It was a great time. I have to up load my camera and edit the pictures then I will post some. Logan was so excited for everything! He kept saying "daddy, daddy, fishies! Daddy, daddy, turrrtttttllllleeee!" It was so cute. He is so smart!

Then we went to Mimi and Papas for some poker! It was a good time. It always is a good time when we are there! Logan loves them all! He asks about them almost every day!

Well, that's it. Off to bed now that it is 2am! Yikes, I'm going to be pooped in the morning!

P.S. Today is my husbands birthday! So Happy Birthday Babe, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Mikky got an ultrsound done in the hospital for a "dimple" in her bum too.. everything was fine though - it was just routine ((oddly enough - I still have never seen a dimple and I never saw one when we were in the hospital))! =]


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