Friday, January 28, 2011

Cloth Diapering!

After much discussion and research Justin and I have decided to go green with diapers! We are going to attempt and hopefully succeed in cloth diapering! We understand cloth diapering can be a lot of work but with proper care and patients, I believe we can do it! Not only is it green for the earth its green for our pockets! Yes, at first, upfront, to get started the cost is a lot more than anyone I think would want to spend on diapers. However after about 6 months of cloth diapering they will have paid for themselves and save us hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I actually did the math between cloth diapering Mason & Conner we can save about $1600 ($30 a box of diapers)! I think that number alone is enough to want to switch to cloth!

We (when I say we, I mean me) have been looking at all different brands and types as well as what we can afford and what is convenient for us. I have decided on doing pre-folds with covers. Pre-folds are not only are easy to clean and maintain (with proper care and wash), they are also the most affordable option. I have found two brands of covers we are going to use, Thirsties Duo Wraps (size 1 & 2) & Blueberry Diaper Coveralls (one size, 10-35+lbs.). And Thanks to Nicki's Diapers I was able to buy everything we need to get started!

The only thing I am not looking forward to is cleaning soiled cloth diapers. However I already clean my two year old soiled undies due to potty training so how much different can it be?! Plus by spending an extra $50 we can invest in a diaper sprayer that attaches directly to the toilet plumbing which helps spray away particles. Or we can just simply dunk the pre-folds into the toilet and wash/swish those particles away (good thing I keep my toilet fresh and clean).

This is defiantly a personal decision, one that Justin supports to the fullest! I really thought he was going to be fully against, tell me I was crazy but I was wrong! I am grateful he is supportive of this idea (just like many of my crazy ideas). Its an experience that I sort of, kind of, really can not wait to start!

More post to come on my cloth diapering experience! We plan on starting Mason with in the next week!

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